It’s fun to sing anything in Fred Schneider’s voice! Try it right now with this sentence! You know what I mean! This SEN-tence! That’s why we still LIKE them! And now they have a new album! I said they have a new AL-bum! Well, I guess it came out two YEARS ago! But I hadn’t HEARD it! And you didn’t EITH-er!
It’s pretty damn CATCH-y! Now you can go out and FIND it! And maybe go SEE them! They’re playing with BLOND-ie! And keep singing like SCHNEID-er! Your friends will find it ann-OY-ing! Can you really BLAME them? I wish I could STOP now! But it’s really ad-DIC-tive! Rock LOB-ster! Somebody KILL me!
Get tickets for Blondie and the B-52s at Mountain Winery now.
Tue. Aug. 10, 7:30pm
Mountain Winery
14831 Pierce Rd, Saratoga