Oh, that Muammar Qaddafi. As if speculation about his Ukrainian nurse wasn’t enough to cause him grief, the Libyan majordomo is having troubles with YouTube too. This time the Libyan Jamahiriya Broadcasting Corp (LJBC) is suing Youtube for copyright infringement, after an Egyptian living in Alexandria posted videos of questionable ownership on the popular website. The videos have since been taken down, but that’s not enough for the LJBC. According to their lawsuit, the videos caused, “great and irreparable injury that cannot fully be compensated or measured in money.” And when something can’t be compensated or measured in money, there is only one possible solution—even more money.
This is not the first time that the Libyan Jamahiriya people have filed suit against Youtube. Just this past August, they sued in U.S. district court after a Canadian posted six videos containing copyrighted materials to YouTube and one to blip.tv. These too were taken down immediately, but that was hardly enough for the Libyans, who seem to reject the Fair Use doctrine in American copyright law. After all, at least one of the films, “Gaddafi Crimes Against Humanity,” was hardly sponsored by the state-run Libyan national broadcasting company.
Read More at the Business Journal.