Courtesy of, here’s a quick rundown of the latest technology news in Silicon Valley:

Facebook told developers last week that a new Facebook Apps store is in the works. The App Center will feature popular iOS, Android, web, mobile and desktop apps.

Analyst Michael Pachter of Wedbush Securities described Mark Zuckerberg’s signature t-shirts and hoodies as “a mark of immaturity” in the face of bringing in investors.

CEO Scott Thompson left Yahoo last week after being exposed for lying about his credentials. Four directors immediately stepped down as well, including Patti Hart, a board member who had been responsible for Thompson’s hiring.

The legal teams for both Google and Oracle made their final case to the jury yesterday. It seems Google may emerge with no more than a slap on the wrist.

Aaron Sorkin, the guy behind adapting “The Accidental Billionaires” into a film, has been chosen to pen Sony’s Steve Jobs biopic.