E. Carlson, 1999

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Artists are important for many reasons. But in this case, they are important because they can "paint out" the bums, drug addicts, and homeless people on the signs and brochures commissioned by the RDA.

I read in the Mercury News yesterday that there is a real possibility of an additional thirty-thousand homeless in the area because of rent gouging. This number reflects those on the brink - fixed income folks, or those whose pay cannot keep up with the slavering greed of their landlord.

I believe it, my rent just went up $430.00 a month - from $1165.00 to $1595.00. Say a prayer for the infirm and/or elderly who are on fixed incomes and unable to defend themselves. Quite frankly, if you are a renter in San Jose - you haven't got a prayer. But pray anyway, maybe God will get the bastards.

I would recommend to the present and future homeless of San Jose to check out Guadalupe River Park - cleaner than St. James Park, and I prefer the ambience. Though some may differ with this assesment. St. James Park has some superb historical monuments close at hand, and it's a shorter walk to the soup kitchens.

Email Soft Underbelly: [email protected]

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