Larry Pegram, head of the Values Advocacy Council, has received the backing of Mayor Chuck Reed in his bid for a City Council seat. Pegram will be facing Don Rocha, Business Development Officer for San Jose’s Redevelopment Agency. “I need his help at City Hall in the difficult budget years ahead,” Reed said.
Pegram lists himself as a “Financial Planner/Businessman” in his ballot identification. He is best known as an outspoken opponent of gay marriage and founder of the Values Advocacy Council, a group that describes itself as “a voice for Christian values in public policy matters in Silicon Valley.”
When asked his views about the overturn of Prop 8 last week, Pegram neatly ducked the question, saying that “it’s not an issue that will ever come before the council.” As the Daily Fetch points out, it has, however, most recently as 2004. At the time, then-Councilmember Chuck Reed joined Vice Mayor Pat Dando in opposing the city’s recognition of gay marriages by granting benefits to gay couples married in San Francisco until the matter was settled by the courts.
Read More at San Jose Inside.