Monday, July 28, 2014

+ Event
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Within and Without: Transformations in Chinese Landscapes

Cantor Arts Center11am-5pm, Thurs until 8pm

Closed Mon & Tues through 9/21, then only closed Tues. The landscape, the most prominent painting tradition in China, brings with it more than…


Original "Peanuts" Paintings by Tom Everhart

Peabody Fine Art Gallery10:00 AM - 6:00 PM

Peabody Gallery is pleased to announce the exclusive Bay Area exhibition of the original works of Peanuts artist, Tom Everhart. As the only…


Inside Rodin's Hands: Art, Technology, and Surgery

Cantor Arts Center11am-5pm, Thurs. until 8pm

Closed Monday & Tuesday. Dr. James Chang, an internationally renowned hand reconstruction surgeon at Stanford, has long been fascinated by Rodin’s…


Artists Observe Nature, 1600-1800

Cantor Arts Center11am-5pm, closed Mon & Tues

Closed MON & TUES through 9/21, then only closed TUES. After 1600, it became increasingly common for draftsmen and printmakers to study nature…


Carleton Watkins: The Stanford Albums

Cantor Arts Center11 am-5pm, Thurs until 8 pm

Closed Monday and Tuesday. This exhibition of 83 photographic prints by Carleton Watkins—perhaps America's most influential 19th-century landscape…


Mapping Edo: The Social and Political Geography of Early Modern Japan

Cantor Arts Center11am-5pm, Thurs ’til 8pm

Closed Monday and Tuesday. Experience Edo-period Japan (1615–1868) through archival maps, prints, and paintings of the capital and surrounding…


Night, Smoke, and Shadows: The Presence of Atmosphere in the 19th Century

Cantor Arts Center11am-5pm, Thurs ’til 8pm

Closed Mon & Tues through 9/21, then only closed TUES. Many artists active in the 19th century manipulated the appearance of atmosphere in…


Night, Smoke, and Shadows: The Presence of Atmosphere in the 19th Century

Cantor Arts Center11am-5pm, closed Mon & Tues

Many artists active in the 19th century manipulated the appearance of atmosphere in order to create the illusion of space and texture, imply…


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