Eric Carlson, 1998


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My steed of choice, a giant pink Salmon - bloated with eggs, dying in the up-river swim. I am reflected in the mirror-sign at the top of the photo which reads Guadalupe, River Park and Gardens. The Guadalupe River houses a secret river-society of homeless men and women who sleep on its banks and rise up in the morning like birds. They glide into lovely downtown San Jose at the crack of dawn.

The Carousel was jointly paid for by The Redevelopment Agency and the Sharks Foundation. Total cost was $1.76 million ($50,000.00 per animal). The animals are made of fiberglass, which gives them about twenty years of life before serious rot sets in.

The Carousel is open 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. Tuesday - Sunday. Weather depending.

Return to Guadalupe . . . River from Hell

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