"Children of the night,
What beautiful music they make."
Count Dracula

Collection of Eric Carlson, Thelma & Doris

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Thelma and Doris Bernal were that rarest of things, twin albinos. How or why they turned to evil is not known, but some of their story is.

They were born in 1899. Their father, an itinerant roof-patcher & oiler by the name of Maximilian Bernal was a gypsy of the "old school" who trained his daughters in pick-pocketing, sly-booting, magic, lawyering, and legerdemain. Other skills they developed on their own. Innocent enough really, until they developed a stronger taste for evil, and the acumen to follow through with it.

In 1921, they purchased a small book of incantations and wild gibberings from used n' abused book dealer Sly Howe - a local gadfly living in Willow Glen. Some of the spells required animal sacrifice and loud noises, and the sisters chose to move to Alum Rock Park, where they could practice their arcane art in relative solitude. Some say there was an existing enclave of albinos in the upper reaches of the canyon, close to the source of Penetencia Creek. Whether the sisters took up with existing albinos, or struck out on their own, is unknown.

It is believed that they lured Polish tourists to their death by playing bawdy polkas in a suggestive manner. When the tourists entered absinthe-green shadows, trying to get closer to Thelma and Doris, they were ambushed and devoured.

Little else is known of their life. They are likely responsible for many missing persons and animals around San Jose. Poodles in particular seemed to be targeted, perhaps for the meat, or perhaps as suitable offering to unspeakable pagan gods.

I called Alum Rock Park - (408) 259-5477 - and asked a ranger if he could provide information about albinos living in the canyon. He said he had heard of the existence of a compound, but had never seen it, and had no idea how many albinos lived there. Judging from the evidence I uncovered on this journey, I would guess anywhere from 80 to 150 albinos make forays into the park - and points beyond.

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