E. Carlson - 1998

Label design by Frank Sinatra

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Exiting the Fountain Restaurant I spotted an announcement next to one of the posters honoring Frank.

Fairmont Toasts Frank Sinatra's
Work of Art

"A special toast to Frank Sinatra, his art and his music will commence on Friday, May 22 through Sunday, May 31 at the Fairmont Hotel's Lobby Lounge and the Fountain Restaurant."

"Korbel Champagne with labels personally designed by Ol' Blue Eyes himself will be on display and available by the glass to Sinatra's admirers for $6.50."

I walked back through the maze of marble sphinxes and gargoyles to the restaurant. The greeter directed me to a waitress who led me to the innermost shrine itself - the lone bottle display pictured above. I genuflected and began to work.

As I took this photograph, I overheard a smug Fairmont employee mutter to his staff that it was "turning into Disneyland around here."

This spoken by someone displaying one lousy bottle of Korbell Champagne like it was a Monet on loan from the Louvre.

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