E. Carlson, 1998

Update: On Dec 31, 2003 Leonard closed Memorabilia of San Jose. It was time to retire and live high-on-the-hog on the profits of old San Jose post-cards.
Leonard Mckay, Memorabilia of San Jose
250 West St. John Street
San Jose, California 95110
(408) 298-5711

Leonard poses in front of an extraordinary Andrew Putnam Hill painting - one of several Hill paintings in his collection. The white arrow points to Carrie Stevens Walters a close friend and helper of Andrew Hill. She died in 1907. In 1915 Andrew painted her into the scene above.

Andrew Hill fought the lumber industry tooth and nail to preserve the redwoods in Big Basin and elsewhere. It was a lumberman, interestingly enough, who was instrumental in the saving of Big Basin. H.L. Middleton, a major stockholder of Big Basin Lumber Company, had sympathy for Hill's cause and took steps to allow for its preservation. Now called Big Basin Redwoods State Park.