Eric Carlson, 1998

View from the caboose. So long Alviso, I'm heading to decadent San Jose.

Alviso is a small town intimately tied to the history of San Jose, and the San Francisco Bay. A refuge not only for birds, but for men and women who recognize paradise when they see it.

March 1999 - Encounter with the Ace Train.
Behind me, from the point of view of the photo, is the rail bridge over the Guadalupe River. On 5 March 1999, an acquaintance was showing me some of the murkier parts of Alviso. As we were midway across the rail bridge, the light of an Ace Train appeared, followed quickly by a screaming whistle. We ran (like hell) to the end of the bridge, jumped to the side, and had a splendid view of the Ace train about four seconds later.

Encounters such as this are common in the wild.